Monday, September 29, 2014

                                          Tweetie,    6" x 6",  oil
This is my 2nd painting in the challenge. I painted this Sept. 21st. I found a photo of this metal wind-up toy on Etsy (for sale) and thought it would be a great subject to paint. I like the character of the vintage metal toys. Nice bright colors.

                                          2 Brown Mice,  6" X 8",  oil
3rd painting done on Sept.23rd. 2 Mice figurines. These were a lot of fun to paint. The colors on the mice had subtle variations between grays and browns. As you can tell I enjoy painting objects. With every painting I'm feeling more comfortable with the medium.

                                          Waterlilies, 8" x 8",  oil
I  admire the work of artists who paint with thick paint strokes, bright colors, and a free style. This is something I want to move towards myself. But being an illustrator by profession, I find it difficult to let go and loosen up. This waterlilies painting is my attempt at being more "expressive". I don't think I succeeded with the colors or the direction of the brush strokes. But it's definitely a starting point.

BAck to the Easel

                                          Skate Key - 6 x 6, oil

Well I'm finally back to painting. A friend mentioned a 30 in 30 challenge which I thought would get me motivated to get back in the studio. The challenge began Sept. 1st and I got a rather late start due to a huge project at work. (I did start a painting on the 1st, but was not at all pleased with the results, so I let that go.) So on Sept. 20th I painted the above piece. It's good to paint.